Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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All translations

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All translations - marhaban

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Source language
Target language

Results 661 - 680 of about 1638
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Source language
Arabic الحب الحقيقي
الحب الحقيقي هو الحب الذي لا ينتهي

Completed translations
French L'amour vrai
English The true love
Spanish El amor verdadero
Italian L'amore vero
Dutch De echte liefde
Portuguese brazilian O Amor verdadeiro
German Die echte Liebe
Portuguese O amor verdadeiro
Russian Настоящая любовь
Source language
French partie de lettre pour mon amoureux
tu vois, je suis prète à tout pour toi, changer de vie, me convertir, me marier, avec un enfant, apprendre l'algérien bien que tu le parles aussi bien que moi, je t'aime et suis prète maintenant

Completed translations
Arabic جزء من رسالة إلى محبوبي
Source language
English Major improvements
Hi all, I've added 3 features to Cucumis which are worth being mentioned here.

[h2]1. email notification[/h2]
From now, you can be notified by email when somebody ask for a translation that matches your language preferences. There is a 2 days delay before being notified. This delay give us the time to check the eventual mistakes on the target and source languages and maybe to give the priority to people who often check the website. The functionnality is not fully tested, so you might expect some bugs in the next few weeks.
To use it, simply check the box "[cid=M604]" on the [link=t__]translation homepage[/link], and submit by clicking on the blue arrow.

[h2]2. RSS (Really Simple Syndication)[/h2]
You can now use the [url=]RSS[/url] format in your favorite RSS reader to be warned about new available translations mathcing your language preferences. On the requested translations pages (for example [link=t_w_0_req_|||||0$1||||]this one[/link]), you can see the rss icon [img=]RSS[/img] that links to the rss url. Simply add this url in your rss reader to be daily informed about new translation requests.
Using the [url=]netvibes start page[/url] (netvibes is one of the best rss reader, I recommend it), this is an example of what you can get :
[img=]Cucumis translations matching your language preferences in netvibes[/img]

[h2]3. administrators and experts[/h2]
Until now, translations was to be checked one by one and the load was very high for administrators and experts. Now they can check several translations in one click. I hope we can have more translations checked by our talented experts with this new system, and offer better quality to everybody.

[h2]That's all[/h2]
Note that the greek interface has been recently added. Most of the job was done by [userid=13175]! Thanks!
...and thanks to all contributors!


Completed translations
French Améliorations importantes
Italian Aggiornamenti principali
Arabic تحسينات مهمّة
Spanish Mayores mejoras
Greek Σημαντικές βελτιώσεις
Dutch Belangrijke verbeteringen
German Die wichtigsten Verbesserungen
Chinese simplified 重大改进
Portuguese Melhorias principais
Turkish Önemli Gelişmeler
Romanian Îmbunătăţiri majore
Source language
English Notified-translation-preferences
I want to be notified by email when a new translation request matches my language preferences

Completed translations
Arabic اشعار-تفضيلات -ترجمة
Portuguese brazilian Notificado-tradução-preferências
Italian Avvertito-traduzione-preferenze
Dutch Geinformeerd-vertaling-voorkeuren
Spanish notìfica-traducción-preferencias
Greek ειδοποιήση-μετάφραση-επιλογές
Catalan Notificació-Traducció-Preferències
Hebrew הודעה-תירגום-העדפות
German Benachrichtigt-Übersetzung-Präferenzen
Portuguese Notificação-tradução-preferências
Turkish Bildirilmiş tercüme tercihleri
Bulgarian Осведомяване-Превод-Предпочитания
Hindi मैं चाहता हूँ कि मुझे ई–मेल
Romanian Înştiinţat-traducere-preferinţe
Japanese 通知 翻訳 選択
Swedish Meddelande via epost
Chinese simplified 通知-翻译-偏好设定的匹配
Serbian Obavestenje - prevod - izbor
Tiếng Việt Thông báo bằng e-mail về má»™t yêu cầu dịch.
Albanian Njoftuar - perkthim - preferenca
Polish Zawiadomienie-tłumaczenie-preferencje
Danish Notificering-oversættelse-præferencer
Russian Сообшите пожалуйста когда...
Esperanto Avizota-tradukpeto-preferaĵoj
Finnish Ilmoittaa-käännös-asetukset
Chinese 通知的設定
Croatian Obavestenje - prevod - izbor
Hungarian értesítés - fordítás -elsöbbség
Norwegian Kontaktet-oversettelse-instillinger
Tiếng Hàn 공지받다-번역-속성
Czech Upozornění-jazykové-preference
Persian language مطلع-ترجمه-ترجیحات
Slovak Upozornenie - jazykové preferencie
Lithuanian PerspÄ—jimas-vertimas-pasirinkimai
Slovenian Obveščanje-prevod-nastavitve
Thai แจ้งเตือน-การแปล-ที่ระบุ
Macedonian Известување - превод - параметри
Source language
Portuguese filicidade
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Arabic سعادة
Japanese 幸福
Source language
Turkish Mobilya aksesuarları
Mobilya kulbu, düğme, askı, kapı kolu, teknik malzeme (kulp adaptörü, cam flanşı, askı flanşı, tırnak)

Completed translations
English Furniture accessories
Arabic ملحقات أثاث
Russian Мебельные принадлежности
Source language
Portuguese brazilian pra sempre
jamais vou conseguir tirar você do coração
te amo

Completed translations
English Forever
Greek Για πάντα
Arabic إلى الأبد
German Für immer
166Source language166
English Only God Can Judge Me
Only God Can Judge Me

Completed translations
Arabic الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
Italian Solo Dio può giudicarmi
French Dieu seul peut me juger
Spanish Solamente Dios puede juzgarme
Portuguese Só Deus me pode julgar
Turkish Beni sadece Allah yargılayabilir
Portuguese brazilian Somente Deus pode me julgar.
English Only God can judge me
Latinh Deus solus me judicare potest
English Only god can judge me
Italian Solamente Dio può giudicarmi
Arabic الله فقط يمكنه محاسبتي
Greek Μόνο ο Θεός μπορεί να με κρίνει
Latinh Deus solus iudicare me potest
Chinese simplified 只有上帝可以审判我
Japanese 神のみが私を裁くことができるのだ
Arabic الله وحده يستطيع محاسبتي أو محاكمتي
Chinese 只有上帝可...
French Dieu seul peut me juger
Portuguese brazilian Somente Deus pode...
Russian Бог
Polish Tylko Bóg może mnie osądzić...
Hebrew רק אלוהים יכול לשפוט אותי
Latinh Deus Solus Potest Me Iudicare
Ukrainian Лише Бог може судити мене.
Esperanto Nur Dio povas juĝi min
Tiếng Hàn 오직 하나님만이 나를 심판하실 수 있다
Danish Kun Gud kan dømme mig
Serbian Samo Bog može da mi sudi
Swedish Endast Gud kan döma mig
Dutch Alleen God kan over mij oordelen
Bulgarian Само Бог може да ме съди
Croatian Samo Bog mi može suditi
German Nur Gott kann über mich urteilen.
Bosnian Samo Bog može da mi sudi.
Lithuanian Tiktai Dievas gali mane teisti
Hungarian Csak Isten ítélhet meg engem.
Albanian Vetëm Zoti mund të më gjykojë
Chinese 只有上帝能審判我。
Indonesian Hanya Tuhan dapat mengadili saya
Czech Jenom Bůh mně může posoudit
Hindi केवल भगवान ही मेरा विचार कर सकते हैं.
Mongolian Бурхан шvvх эрхтэй
Icelandic Aðeins Guð getur dæma mig.
Tiếng Faroe Bert Gud kann døma meg.
Catalan Només Déu em pot jutjar.
Người Hy Lạp cổ đại Mόνος ὁ Θεός δύναται με διακρίνειν.
Persian language تنها خدا می‌تواند در باره‌ی من داوری کند.
Tiếng Việt Chỉ có Chúa má»›i có thể phán xét tôi
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